Over the last decade we have hosted tent encampments multiple times, most recently from November 2016 to February 2017.
Photos from serving a meal during a recent encampment stay:
- January - Winter Clothing Drive: we collect winter outerwear clothing for the homeless.
- February - Souper Bowl Sunday: we collect non-perishable food items for HopeLink, our local foodbank.
- August - Granola Bar Drive: we collect granola bars for the students at Franklin High School.
- September & October: Children's Sabbath: we collect items such as diapers & baby wipes, baby shampoo, toothbrushes & toothpaste, soap & laundry detergent for families supported by HopeLink.
- December: Annual Tree of Angels: we collect specific gifts for families supported by Attain Housing.
Sharing our building - our church hosts many other groups who meet in our building:
- El Buen Pastor
- Evergreen Mennonite Church
- Philadelphia Pentecostal Church
Twelve-Step Groups:
- FYF - NA
- Bill's Story - AA
- Gay Men in Recovery - AA
- Tuesday Afternoon Meeting - Al-Anon
- A Woman's Way - AA
- Tuesday Night Starters - AA
- District 38 - AA
- Recipe for Recovery - NA
- Millennium Group - NA
- Wednesday Women - Al-Anon
- SOS - NA
- Boulder Busters - CA
- Circle of Knowledge - AA
- Moment of Clarity - CA
- Kirkland Sobriety Headquarters - AA
- KAM - AA
- Moss Bay AA - AA
- SA
- Better Odds Sober - AA
- Maximum Service - AA
- Spiritus - HA
- Regla 62 - AA
Non-profit organizations:
- Sibling House
- Northwest Driftwood Artists
- 3 Lithuanian Folk Dance Groups
- Studio East Summer Camps
- An Alzheimer Care-giver Support Group
- Cub Scout Pack 550